Echo Shea Pedigree Echo Shea Wins
In 2014 Echo retuned to the show ring in Halter and Costume Echo is by Sabbaath Ibn Oshea and out of a *Tuhotmos daugher.
Come and say hello if you see is out showing.
2017 Stud Fee P.T.
Contact us for further information.
3 foals expected in 2017, with as many or more for 2018.
in 2014 Echo won Region 18 Champion Open and ATR Costume and Region 18 Res Champ Stallion. He is also Region 18 Champion Sporthorse Stallion in hand.
Echo qualified for the 2002 US Arabian Nationals in both Open AND Ammy Working Hunter. His wonderful extended trot and willing attitude make him a wonderful sporthorse sire.
These poor quality pictures are from a video taken high in the stands at the 2002 US Arabian Nationals.
I have often been asked, how to you show the quality of a stallions temperament with just pictures. Well I think I can with these.
Echo Shea is a Tall, elegant stallion, who showed Class A with his Amateur Owner/handler/trainer.He has extensive wins and high point awards in halter and performance in Class A and open shows. He possesses a typey head, good straight legs, and a excellent top Line. He is curious, bold, and moves like the wind itself.
Echo gives an initial impression of curiosity, excellent looks, and fearlessness. He is the first Arabian that we have seen stick his head entirely into an empty shavings bag to see what was in it!
He loves to grab his stall toys and hurl them as far as he can down the stable aisle.
Completely trained by an Amateur and shown by an Amateur!
These pictures are of him in the last few yrs.
This is an example of the quality of foal he sires. Neither of these foals turned grey and both are half warmblood.
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